America’s Charities
Key marketing and media relations source for new introduction into Orlando for this national federation of charities. Was instrumental in gaining many front page print stories, along with a depth of TV and radio coverage, for events, company growth stories, and other news angles, which resulted in raising the understanding of how America’s Charities helps their member charities and also their member corporations, with lowers costs and more dollars going to the charities, as associated with workplace giving campaigns.
This community relations and good-will emphasis along with consistent, heavy news coverage and on-going media relations exposure, lead to the present high level of acceptance enjoyed by America’s Charities in a formerly all-United Way only community. This community granted America’s Charities the Edith Bush Grant of $135,000 in its third year in Orlando. In addition, America’s Charities was able to exceed all forecasts with the extensive number of corporations which included AC in their workplace giving campaigns each year. Today, the Orlando model of success is presently being prototyped and applied to America’s Charities eight other regions nationwide.